2 Homes, 1 Price

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210 & 218 North Collins Colbert, OK

Listed on Oct 1, 2024







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Here we have a home at 210 N. Collins in Colbert OK. This home was built in 1972, This home needs major remodeling. Approx. lot size is 95’x140′, All items on property will stay. Also part of this sale is the home next door at 218 N. Collins Colbert OK. This home was built in 1948. This home also needs major repairs or brought down, and this lot might be able to build 2 new homes on. This corner lot Approx. lot size is also 95’x140′, Again all items on property will stay on property. ALL PROPERTY IN THIS SALE IS – AS IS. Please call listing realtor for best information on this opportunity. Thank you.


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